Childlessness and Sexual Intimacy for Singles: A conversation with Catherine-Emmanuelle Delisle, Femmes Sans Enfants
Femmes Sans Enfants podcast
part of World Childless Week 2021
I'm Friends With You, Not Your Baby podcast
with Libby Hopkins
How Publishing a Book Changes Lives--Readers's and Author's
Humanists of Greater Portland meeting
Talk starts about 12 minutes into the meeting.
Childless Collective Summit - Sharing Our Stories webinar
March 18, 2021 and recording of all webinars are still available via pass
World Childless Week: Inspiring Childless Elders webinar
Webinar 7:00 am Pacific Daylight Time
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Coping with Mother's Day (May 10 in the US; March 22 in the UK)
Live Webinar with Jody Day
Saturday, March 14, 2020 5:00 pm PST
Dropping in with Diane Dewey
Voice of America Variety Channel
Friday, February 14, 2020 8 am PT/11 am ET
Interviewing for Juicy Book Material--Please Note New Date
Terroir Creative Writing Festival
Saturday, July 25, 2020
VIRTUAL book event and conversation w/Jackie Shannon Hollis
Two Rivers Book Shop
St. Johns
Thursday, May 7, 2020